Tuesday, June 28, 2005

What's Wrong With this Picture?

What is wrong with this picture? Renewable Environmental Solutions LLC (RES) continues to experience upsets in their operation of the newly installed emission control equipment. RES has told Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) that they continue to look for new control technology to assist in elimination of the odor concerns. (1) Why isn't RES shut down until which time they 'find' new control technology. MDNR reports that multiple significant upsets in operation have been documented. (2) What is a 'significant upset'? (3) Doesn't that mean the RES facility has design flaws and still is emitting odors. (4) Doesn't that mean they are still operating after receiving four Notice (and Citations) of Excess Emissions?
DNR states that on June 1st, June 9th and June 10th they documented heavier than usual odors, but their staff was unable to meet the legal proof established by regulation to cite any facility for those emissions. (5) So what! You have already issued four Notice (and Citations) of Excess Emissions (NOEE) and RES is still in operation, has not been fined one cent, and say that they are 'looking' for a solution.
Obviously the Regulations need to be modified. Who wants to take the lead on writing legislation that facilitates a more responsive and realistic criteria for what stinks. The residents of Carthage and the surrounding area have learned how to smell and how to spell what stinks. It is spelled RES. MDNR has stated that their findings are documented and are relevant should any party pursue a nuisance suit on odors. [I think that they are hinting something, here.]
I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of RES continuing to operate in our face, in our nose and in our community, as long as they are not paying their $10,000 per violation per day fine. (6) Who do they think they are? Neighbors do not treat other neighbors this way. (7) What is wrong with our system, our regulations, our law enforcment and our prosecutors that continue to allow RES, the Violator, to 'look' for a technology. I say Shut Them Down until they find a technology that has been proven, elsewhere. Enough is enough!


At October 23, 2006 2:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are we not off foreign oil dependency??? We have found the enemy and them is us. (paraphrase of Pogo)


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