Friday, June 24, 2005

More RES Measures Urged for Same Disgusting Smell!

Carthage City Attorney, David Mouton, said it all, "There have just been too many problems, too frequently, for us to say that all they need is additional time to fine-tune what they've already done. There may be bugs to work out, but we feel it's enough of a problem that they need to go further."

Maybe it's time to invoke the $10,000 per day per violation fine. I suspect that would get things moving in the right direction. What good is a fine if you don't collect it? What incentive to they have to move expidiciously?

The Joplin Globe, Friday, June 24, 2005 states that the City of Carthage has sent a letter to RES requesting the following:
1. Increase the height of the thermal-oxidizer stack to gain better dispersion.
2. Keep all outside containers that hold product or waste securely covered at all times.
3. Add a vapor capture system to trucks used to transport the oil produced.
4. Conduct a test to evaluate whether the addition of an ozone-generation unit would improve the performance of the thermal oxidizer.
5. Hire a third-party contractor, approved by DNR (Missouri Department of Natural Resources), to perform an odor survey of the Carthage area.

The article also quotes Carthage area resident, Tim Jeffries, "...we're still choking from the same disgusting smell".


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